
Place Team Score
1 Cool Team 6265
2 elio 5855
3 blahaj 5485
4 my mother tongue is C++ 5255
5 Untitled Group 4615
6 RainbowHash 4440
7 do not the car 4110
8 RVCTF{Circle_haters} 3975
9 something 3945
10 lebron james 3855
11 baby_sharks 3775
12 qifengle 3500
13 404 Brain Not Found 2635
14 Seeking Alpha 2605
15 ExploitX 2600
16 rvctf{DDOS} 2550
17 Kikuri'sbeerpacket 2505
18 PrataWalaa 2495
20 Nijika 2310
21 Stroomers 2220
22 f1ag.txt 2105
23 hello world 2020
24 finger 1925
25 Codeniters 1920
26 cool team 1 1880
27 Yup 1870
28 tesla cybertruck 1825
29 404 Not Found 1785
30 ˈskwɪrəl 1715
31 TopH4ts 1695
32 Cookie Monsters 1685
33 3X1C 1670
34 What is coding 1610
35 Hackkaido 1540
36 26/13=2 1520
37 BlackHacks 1485
38 Back Hats 1425
39 weouiはいö 1420
40 ILUVCP 1380
41 chocolate_milk 1380
42 Sharma Legend 1350
43 Ding ding cuh 1250
44 Fishers 1250
45 xx 1245
46 Jafflesians 1220
47 Nome 1210
48 OneNurseANDThreeEngineer 1210
49 krus7γbλrlΣγ 1205
50 vertex 1150
51 Dee Dos 1145
52 poggles 1110
53 4 big booms 1075
54 ZeVaKain 1070
55 hehehehaha 1060
56 Im going to sleep after filling this form 1055
57 Strawberry Tallcakes 1050
58 Logisticks 1050
59 Fresh Soya Milk 1035
60 VJsigmas 1020
61 Ctrl A 1015
62 Buccaneers 1000
63 itscoldinhere 980
64 NYSecure 960
65 KAZA.Inc 935
66 Enginerds 935
67 RoyceChoc 930
68 SZYR 915
69 orangers 900
70 Alt+F4 895
71 Null 890
72 balding! 885
73 greenfn 845
74 SQL_3 820
75 pisang goreng 815
76 jamalskis 810
77 Dbjejj 805
78 Rachel 800
79 fettuccine 795
80 70 RP 785
81 EthHack 780
82 whatarewedoinghere???? 770
83 Hackermen 760
84 RamenRiders 720
85 Delirious Donkets 710
86 4 Kilo Bytes (4kB) 670
87 Trustlocks 660
88 TGIS 650
89 LeBronMahGoat 640
90 JAAR 600
91 Cipher 590
92 CyberNova 590
93 goobers 590
94 no name 560
95 Digital Warriors 550
96 Robotics 2.0 530
97 tophats 530
98 GameOver 510
99 Kikko The Goat 500
100 Scoobydooo 490
101 PCTFG 480
102 hehe 450
103 JASS 400
104 cyber_ninjas 350
105 Ctrl, Alt, Defeat. 350
106 Segmentation Fault 300
107 The SkibidiHackers 300
108 the four amigos 300
109 Code Crusaders 300
110 hackerrrzzz 290
111 Ember 260
112 Cyberbros 250
113 Weird Trio 250
114 Firewall Warriors 250
115 404BQX 250
116 Cobe Brilliant 250
117 The firewall brigade 230
118 Ctrl+Alt+Defeat 210
119 SLAM 200
120 Croissants 180
121 JCS 160
122 Cybertron 150
123 geddit 150
124 Digital Sentinels 150
125 DCEP18 100
126 neptune 100
127 Bengal Tigers 80
128 Whitehax winninteam 60
129 Goon Squad 50
130 BBKW 4.0 50