35th place
1540 points
User Name | Score |
Wilson | 50 |
Juin Chuen | 150 |
Jadon | 1340 |
Hint 1
Hint for 3rs
2nd blood for Bombastic Webpage
First Blood
Bonus points for being the 2nd to solve the challenge
1st blood for Are we Exclusive OR not????
First Blood
Bonus points for being the 1st to solve the challenge
Challenge | Category | Value | Time |
yet Another rSa Challenge!!I!I! | Crypto | 50 | |
Flawless Login Page | Web | 50 | |
Dirbusted!!! | Web | 50 | |
XML Injection | Web | 90 | |
RSA Cubed | Crypto | 235 | |
Rsa Basics | Crypto | 185 | |
Agent Riley Private Poisoned | Forensics | 50 | |
i'm just a chill guy | Forensics | 50 | |
Spectrum | Forensics | 50 | |
Crackme | Forensics | 50 | |
Secret File | Forensics | 50 | |
The BrainRot Road | OSINT | 50 | |
Overlay | Misc | 50 | |
Skibidi Brainrot | Misc | 50 | |
This2easy | Forensics | 50 | |
Plain Sight | Forensics | 50 | |
Sniff | Forensics | 50 | |
Bombastic Webpage | Web | 50 | |
CSIT | Sponsor Talk | 50 | |
DIS | Sponsor Talk | 50 | |
DSO | Sponsor Talk | 50 | |
Are we Exclusive OR not???? | Crypto | 50 | |
Caesar's Secret | Crypto | 50 |