Im going to sleep after filling this form
56th place
1055 points
User Name | Score |
Shi Yu Xiang | 955 |
Ayden Tan | 100 |
Hint 8
Hint for S3cure Cloud
2nd blood for Live Fun Included!
First Blood
Bonus points for being the 2nd to solve the challenge
Challenge | Category | Value | Time |
Caesar's Secret | Crypto | 50 | |
Are we Exclusive OR not???? | Crypto | 50 | |
Plain Sight | Forensics | 50 | |
Brute-Force | Web | 225 | |
Client Server Architecture | Forensics | 50 | |
Spectrum | Forensics | 50 | |
Sniff | Forensics | 50 | |
i'm just a chill guy | Forensics | 50 | |
Crackme | Forensics | 50 | |
Hidden within (Part 1) | Misc | 50 | |
Hidden Within (Part 2) | Misc | 50 | |
Live Fun Included! | Web | 130 | |
Bombastic Webpage | Web | 50 | |
Flawless Login Page | Web | 50 | |
Dirbusted!!! | Web | 50 | |
Skibidi Brainrot | Misc | 50 |