Seeking Alpha

Hatsune Miku

14th place

2605 points


User Name Score
Soin Wei Dong 200
Nikola Winata 1670
Ooi Theng Gee 165
Fidele Poh 570


Hint 19


Hint for Text File Saver


2nd blood for heap of pythons

First Blood

Bonus points for being the 2nd to solve the challenge



Challenge Category Value Time
Spectrum Forensics 50
Missing Professor OSINT 65
Sandwich Crypto 415
Live Fun Included! Web 130
Crackme Forensics 50
This2easy Forensics 50
traversal Web 425
Secret File Forensics 50
HopeCore Forensics 50
Rsa Basics Crypto 185
RSA Cubed Crypto 235
Dirbusted!!! Web 50
Bombastic Webpage Web 50
Skibidi Brainrot Misc 50
Flawless Login Page Web 50
LunchtimeSlip OSINT 50
Sniff Forensics 50
Plain Sight Forensics 50
The BrainRot Road OSINT 50
heap of pythons pwn 400
Are we Exclusive OR not???? Crypto 50
Caesar's Secret Crypto 50