Gu Jiale

404 Brain Not Found

13th place

2635 points


2nd blood for Sandwich

First Blood

Bonus points for being the 2nd to solve the challenge


1st blood for Not Whitespace

First Blood

Bonus points for being the 1st to solve the challenge



Challenge Category Value Time
Agent Riley Private Poisoned Forensics 50
Spectrum Forensics 50
Overlay Misc 50
HopeCore Forensics 50
XML Injection Web 90
Sniff Forensics 50
i'm just a chill guy Forensics 50
Hidden within (Part 1) Misc 50
unknown plaintext attack Crypto 50
yet Another rSa Challenge!!I!I! Crypto 50
Sandwich Crypto 415
RSA Cubed Crypto 235
Rsa Basics Crypto 185
Not Whitespace Crypto 50